12. zenbakia · 1994 (2)

Europear erakundeen jarrera hizkuntza gutxituekiko

Iñaki Agirreazkuenaga, Xabier Iriondo
Artikulu hau PDF formatoan dago, honako helbide honetan . %%% BAT - Soziolinguistika aldizkaria BAT-12 / 1994ko ekaina Baleazaleen kalea 12 - 1. A Donostia Tfnoa: 46 66 76 / 50 Faxa: 46 68 94 Europar erakundeen jarrera hizkuntza gutxituekiko Iñaki Agirreazkuenaga eta Xabier Iriondo Even though this article is intended to review the main decisions which have been recently taken in Europe, we will like to differentiate first between the European institutions implied, so as to situate the consequences they could bring into the Basque Language. We realise