Only this section of the website is available in English. The rest of the contents are offered in Basque.

About The Journal

The sociolinguistics journal Bat is a scientific journal in the sociolinguistic field which is published in Basque and whose objective is to disseminate scientific knowledge about the process of revitalising the Basque language.

Founded in 1990 by José Luis Álvarez Enparantza “Txillardegi”, it has published four issues annually, offering theoretical models, experiences and references in the sociolinguistic field, both in the Basque Country and abroad. Since 2020, it has also been a digital magazine.

Gure nazio-hizkuntza berriro Euskal Herriaren mintzabide eta oinarri bihurtuko bada, beraz, bi gauza lortu behar ditugu; eta lorpen horretan laguntzekotan sortu da eskuetan duzun aldizkari hau. Bata, hizkuntzaren alorreko fenomenoak ahalik eta ongienik ezagutzea. Lehendabizi jakin egin behar da, egia ezagutu behar da albait zehazkienik; beste herrietako saioak, arrakastak eta porrotak aztertu behar dira. Bestea, berriz, hizkuntza pizkundean herria bera interesatu gabe, soluziorik ez dagoela sinetsi eta sinestarazi behar dugu. Herriak ez badu nahi, herriak ez badu nazio-hizkuntzaren arazoa bere gain hartzen, jai dago.

J.L. Alvarez Enparantza “Txillardegi” Aldizkariaren sortzailea
(BAT aldizkaria. 1. Zenbakia. 1990eko otsaila)

For our national language to once again become the language and the bedrock of the Basque People, we have to achieve two things, and this journal aims to contribute to achieving them. On the one hand, we have to know as much as possible about the linguistic phenomena. First we need to have the knowledge, to know the truth as accurately as possible and to analyse programmes from other countries, their successes and failures. And on the other hand, we need to believe and convince others that no linguistic revitalisation is possible without creating interest in the people themselves. Without the will of the people – if the people do not take on the problem of the national language – nothing can be done.

J. L. Álvarez Enparantza, “Txillardegi”. Founder of the Sociolinguistic Magazine Bat
(BAT Sociolinguistics Journal. Issue no. 1. February 1990))

Current committee

DIRECTOR: Iñaki Martínez de Luna (Sociologist)


  • Estibaliz Amorrortu (University of Deusto)
  • Maria-Jose Azurmendi (University of the Basque Country)
  • Jone Miren Hernandez (University of the Basque Country
  • Lionel Joly (Basque Language Academy – Euskaltzaindia)
  • Inma Muñoa (Ikastolen Elkartea)
  • Beñat Garaio (Sociolinguist)
  • Paula Kasares (Public University of Navarre)
  • Eneko Gorri (Biarritz Town Hall)

EDITORIAL TEAM: Belen Uranga (co-ordinator), Maialen Iñarra, Isabel Godinez (Soziolinguistika Klusterra)

EXTERNAL EVALUATORS: Miren Artetxe (University of the Basque Country), Andoni Barreña (Univerity of Salamanca), Auxkin Galarraga (University of the Basque Country), Jone Goirigolzarri (University of Deusto), Pello Jauregi (University of the Basque Country), Ibon Manterola (University of the Basque Country), Ane Ortega (Begoñako Andra Mari University School), Aitor Zuberogoitia (University of Mondragon)…

The following have been part of the Bat journal

The people who have had responsibilities in the Bat journal are:

Directors: Jose Luis Alvarez Enparantza “Txillardegi” (1989-2000) eta Maria-Jose Azurmendi (2001-2006)

Members: Jon Abril, Paulo Agirrebaltzategi, Brixi Arrue, Maria-Jose Azurmendi, Imanol Esnaola, Xabier Falcon, Joxe Jabier Iñigo, Xabier Isasi, Juan Inazio Marko, Joxe Manuel Odriozola, Joseba Zinkunegi, Pablo Suberbiola, Carlos Vilches, Jean-Baptiste Coyos eta Pablo Sotés.

Coordinators: Begoña Etxeberria (1991-1992), J. Inazio Marko (1995-1999), Joseba Zinkunegi (1996-1997), Jon Abril (1998), Imanol Esnaola (1999-2003), Larraitz Garmendia (2003-2007), Lionel Joly (2007-2008)